Saturday, 2 November 2013

Everyone knows who you are?

I don't know whether title matches with the writing in this post. Anyways I am just writing my idea about an app i would like to create. I have started working on that, don't know whether i can finish it or not, it’s just a try. Am damn sure i might get lost in the middle.

Like every youngster, one of my main hobbies is spending time with friends to see girls coming in the mall. If we get any stare from the girls in such a way that they giving signal "Dude.. i saw you were watching me ehh." and a sweet smile. It’s enough to walk behind that girl in that mall till she leaves. After she leaves we will think "I must ask her PHONE NUMBER. She might give, if she was interested in me.. I will try to find her in FACEBOOK and will send friend request.. blah blah blah..".
I don't know her name, where she is studying/working, without these data how am I gonna find her in FACEBOOK, how am i gonna send friend request to her. The only thing I have is her image in mind, that's useless and wasting my memory space.

Will i get any details of the data contained in the image from internet? Yes, Google has image search technology, but this doesn't work for face recognition correctly. It will be interesting if the Facebook team list the profile's which matches the image i have uploaded. For now there is nothing like that, they provide name search only.

In my office i got an opportunity to research about Augment Reality. While doing research on that, i found some videos of application Augment reality apps. Please see the bellow video

The above app shows that we can have social networking profiles after detecting the faces.

Think I am having this kind of app in my android phone and going to mall, and while shooting a face with my camera listing all profiles such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google plus near to that face, it will be nice. The app will be useful in other way also, just like the above video shows, very helpful in meetings and conferences. But is this possible? Can we create such an app which recognize the face and list the profiles in social networks? While seeing Pranav Mistry's video i felt it is really a silly thing. Check out the video, actually it explains about the Sixth Sense technology. In this video he specifies the idea of getting feeds from social network details of te man standing in front of you.

The video is really interesting right? So is it possible to have an app which will give profile list of social network after detecting the face?. Anyways i am gonna try for that.. :)